Hotline maintenance & emergency restoration systems

UAV based surveillance & maintenance

Power system analysis, reliability & stability studies

Linear asset management framework
AIMSL offers a range of services to its customers across the power transmission sector.

Avg. residual concession life

Presence across

Transmission Projects

Transmission Substations
Our Competitive Advantage
AIMSL brings many advantages like cutting edge technology, unique skill sets combined with experience and an invincible team spirit to the clients’ table. Some of the features that the clients’ leverage and benefit from are:

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)/ Drone Inspection
- The next era of transmission asset maintenance has dawned with UAV based inspection.
- Persistent faults have been overcome with vigilant inspection. Prevailing conditions of a transmission system assure clients of benefits in cost, safety, reliability & response time.
- UAV facilitates inspection of transmission system defects which are usually un-observed during routine patrolling or to the naked eyes. it helps improve the efficiency of inspection & creates a scientific and accurate approach towards deriving standardised inspection results.

Remote Operation
- Remote operation of substations can lead to the cost optimisation of the assets. If the entire substation is well connected with a reliable source of OPGW, then multiple, connected substations can be remotely operated from a single location.
- We provide the solutions and way forward to implement the remote operation of substations up to 765 kV and thereby optimising on the O&M manpower.

Emergency Restoration System (ERS)
- For higher reliability of the transmission line, minimised transmission line breakdown is a must, and in case of breakdowns, quick restoration of the system becomes a priority.
- Damages occur to transmission line primarily due to natural calamities or unpredictable events. Permanent restoration of a line may take long (days or even weeks) depending upon the site condition, quantum of damage, availability of spares and resources etc.
- To overcome these difficulties, we offer Emergency Restoration System for early operationalisation of the transmission systems. We offer solutions for Emergency Restoration up to 765 kV.

Hotline Insulator Washing
- We have equipment and trained teams to carry out Hot Line Washing of insulators under live condition.
- Various factors like salty atmosphere, cement/lime, smog, vehicular emissions, etc. impact insulator performance, which require frequent washing of insulator to avoid tripping.

Spares and Inventory Pooling
- Choosing AIMSL as your spares and inventory pooling service partner, guarantees reduced downtime in your technical systems by pooling common spare and inventory in multiple locations across the country.
- We have a system of considering a stock point for expensive, low-usage items that are being used by multiple substations and transmission lines up to 765 kV.
- The joint stock point is controlled by a continuous-review of available inventory with a system of back-ordering.
- It has proven to be a cost-effective solution to share one stock point with similar stations in the region and provides optimised and guaranteed availability of spares and inventory stock levels in a timely manner.
- We also offer the facility of home base stock support, containerised solutions, definite service levels, logistics support, quality components and dedicated contract management

Spares and Inventory Pooling
- Choosing AIMSL as your spares and inventory pooling service partner, guarantees reduced downtime in your technical systems by pooling common spare and inventory in multiple locations across the country.
- We have a system of considering a stock point for expensive, low-usage items that are being used by multiple substations and transmission lines up to 765 kV.
- The joint stock point is controlled by a continuous-review of available inventory with a system of back-ordering.
- It has proven to be a cost-effective solution to share one stock point with similar stations in the region and provides optimised and guaranteed availability of spares and inventory stock levels in a timely manner.
- We also offer the facility of home base stock support, containerised solutions, definite service levels, logistics support, quality components and dedicated contract management