Towards a sustainable business development
QMS requirements are complementary to technical requirements for product and services.
EnMS enable organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary to continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption.
Provides the framework to a business/ organisation to pro-actively manage the lifecycle of the assets, from acquisition, through operation to decommissioning.
The Adani Power Training & Research Institute (APTRI) takes care of the learning & professional development needs of AIMSL employees beside the other Adani group companies.
Making positive impact to the environment through everything that we do. Our systems ensure that 100% of electrical waste during the time of set-up gets recycled as per the best practices.
Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity
Obtained ISO 27001 for IT Security for the entire AIMSL boundary
Towards inclusive growth for nation building
ISO 45001 is an assessment specification for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
Enhancing the reliability of our processes and systems in exceeding our performance commitments.
We are committed to sustained operation thereby protecting shareholders’ value, improving governance process, achieving strategic goals and being well equipped for adverse situations.